By Anonymous - 26/11/2014 16:42 - United States - Flushing

Today, what few friends I have won't talk to me anymore. My ex told them she dumped me because I abused her. I never abused her. What really happened is that she dumped me in a rage after I refused to give her money for drugs. Nobody's even asked for my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 532
You deserved it 2 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man you can do better than a girl who treats you like that. And friends who believe her without hearing your side first.

If your friends won't stick around to hear your side of the story, you're better off without them OP.


cmchappy 25

Freinds come and go op you find others and with luck they'd take your side or at least give you a chance to explain the situation

Be glad they're not talking to you apparently they weren't very good friends.

Man I'm sorry to hear that but hey think of this way. You now have the freedom of not having her ask you for money and once she realized she lost you who knows, maybe it can be a wake up for her. You did the right thing.

those aren't real friends and that girl isn't the one. you're better off without them just wait and see. . xo

That is so horrible, why would people even think of saying somebody abused them when they haven't, that's so offensive to people who actually have too so sorry OP wish you the best

Yall are misinterpreting. She needed money for medicine.

there clearly not true friends then if they think your an abuser

I think you should be able to file a report with the police against women (and men) who claim abuse but have never been touched.

rieebee 23

That could backfire pretty easily. It's usually hard enough for someone in an abusive relationship to tell someone in the first place, and not all abuse is possible to document. Psychological abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse. Giving someone who might have abused someone a legal and public way to refuse those charges might make the victim even less likely to step forward.

I completely agree with you. But I wish there was something that could be done against people you say their abused when they haven't been; when they've just been broken up with and want to make the other person look bad.

Then they aren't true friends. You're probably better off without them if that's the case.

If your story is true, then you're better off without your 'friends'.