By luni - 26/06/2011 21:17 - United Kingdom

Today, when my boyfriend said it was time to play with his baby, I figured he was talking about me. He meant his Xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 854
You deserved it 8 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndiRae 9

Play with him, problem solved Xbox


iAmScrubs 19

You two can always play splitscreen.

103 are you saying win to his comment (because it us a win) or are you saying win because he beat you in split screen?

FreshPairOfNikes 0

Should of just played a lil' xbox with him then.

GuidoCheese 0

Don't underestimate the xbox; It's also considered birth control and protection.

How dare he play video games! I agree with all the other outraged women, he shouldn't have hobbies so all his time can be devoted to you!

austinkiser 3

that seems alil crazy to devote all ur time to another I know ppl love each other but there is personal space or alil time to self

yea really and if you love them they shouldn't have to give up happiness. I let my boyfriend play xbox while I'm there. of course we take breaks but girls complain, guys play xbox...then we complain some more! just stop being so selfish op!

"I could watch him play video games all day" said no ones wife EVER.

ZombieeeeUnicorn 1

"I could listen to her bitch all day" said nobodies husband EVER

mismonroe 0

So get a vibrator and quit your bitching.

Jeez. What is wrong with you women? Give us some free time, evidently he wasn't playing it before you posted this. If you want to make him mad, find the power box.

FreshPairOfNikes 0

What's wrong with woman? Too many emotions. So, in order to be a chill female, I block out all girly emotions and try to actually live my life instead of commit (friends with benefits).If only I had a personal chef, guys would love me even more.

57 instead of has put was and then guys would love you more!

192- I've tried. I'm the worst cook ever, but I wouldn't mind paying for endless trips to subway. Maybe I'll get better....

saIty 17

Walk around naked, then let us see what he does.

enonymous 8

It has more plugins, addons and features. also doesn't bleed for a week straight. I'm sure every man knows who their real baby is