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You tried

By Anonymous - 08/06/2021 06:01

Today, in an effort to try and be closer to my girlfriend's son, I bought him an expensive Xbox game I know he desperately wanted so we could play it together. He was excited, until he realised that I that paid for it. He snapped the disc and threw the pieces in the bin. At least I tried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 542
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And now you don't ever buy that little shit another thing

mccuish 25

Last time you buy that little shit something


And now you don't ever buy that little shit another thing

mccuish 25

Last time you buy that little shit something

I think he’s trying to say something to his mother...

Nothing else for him until he's being respectful

His mother should make him pay you back

You tried. Can't force a connection if he doesn't want it. Just try to be available for when he does need something. This is a problem a lot of people have when they date someone with who already has kids.

Kids can be very jealous. This may prevent the mother from finding someone in the medium and long term. Be courageous if you really like her.

Jon Tessler 14

he is dating your daughter, not you. you are trying to "suck up" to him. stop it. try talking to your daughter, ask her to find out why he doesn't like you.

Vesi 29

OP is dating woman. Woman has son from previous relationship. OP is trying to find common ground with said son. Son is being a little pr!ck.

Jon Tessler 14

I completely read this wrong. ugh

You’re a moron. Read the post again. Idiot.

He is hurt no doubt by the belief that your taking attention away from him. I don’t think buying him anything is the answer for awhile:

You can’t buy love, respect, or trust. It may seem like an easy way to go about it for a child but ultimately it will take time and consistency.

You’re absolutely correct but that child has serious discipline issues. No matter how mad he might be, he should show respect. He could’ve declined the gift instead of acting like a spoiled, jealous brat.