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By Anonymous - 19/07/2011 18:03 - United States

Today, whenever I do something that the kid I am babysitting likes, he pats me on the head and says "good girl". I'm whipped by a seven year old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 545
You deserved it 8 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HowAreYouToday 34

He's practising his skills early :3

^ You fail at spelling. Please go "Practise".

ArbiterOfFML 24

He is practise his skills? Da Fuq dat meen? (So you can understand what I'm saying.) And on another note, different ways are made to spell hundreds of words, in a little thing caller dialect.

2ndSucks 15

Aw. He's gonna be a little heart breaker.

HowAreYouToday 34
FiestaInMyPants 8

48 - Practise is right, just not in America. Let's not be ignorant and an ass all in one comment.

why would op take that from a 7 year old? should have just called the parents. most kids will crap themselves if you even threaten this

why would op take that from a 7 year old? should have just called the parents. most kids will crap themselves if you even threaten this

why would op take that from a 7 year old? should have just called the parents. most kids will crap themselves if you even threaten this

60. I am an ass in all of my comments. And ignorant in some. Because I don't like you guys.

stfu, 67. if it wasn't good the first time, why the he'll would u do it two more times? (that's what she said)

how does thats what she said even apply there?

frigging hilarious YLS. at least they aren't feeding you kibbles along with it.

I'm assuming the kid is learning by example. A lot of parents and nannies at the playground I frequent with my charges do this exact thing. E.g. "Oh, Johnny, you shared your snack with your sister? I'm sooo proud of you! Good boy." *pat, pat*

u didn't have to give an example...were not stupid like the little kids in your example.

The reason I gave an example was NOT because I thought people here wouldn't get it, but instead to show the way that parents often make a big deal about and "over-praise" the simplest things. If they do that for the minor AND major actions of their children, then it's no wonder the kids might copy this approach in hopes of reinforcing the behaviour that they deem desirable shown by the adults around them.

supermankisses 1

137- you act like you got a grape stuck in your ass. chill.

209 - more like a warermelon or a pineapple

fucMyLifeSoHard 18

So little kids are stupid now? You seem like a great person!

I'm assuming the kid is shorter than you... how do you let him/her pat you on the head?

MrSexyPants 14

Well when you're sitting, it's easy for even the shortest of leprechauns to pat your head.

wow that would suck to be both a migit and a ginger i bet they have no friends

MrSexyPants 14

Uhm leprechauns are midget and ginger and they have tons of friends. They take people on rainbow rides.

TheRealSIDeal 1
TheRealSIDeal 1
TheRealSIDeal 1
TheRealSIDeal 1
Katy326 10

203 must be a "little person" with red hair. lol

he's already teaching his ho's who's boss

Don't worry though, you're the bottom bitch. You get more free time than his parents do, at least.

lovexbox 8

Nice 29. I bet OP will eventually be working for this kid when he get older instead of his parents.

Symmetry88 0

that's exactly how I treat my bitch

kaylaaa1312 3

165 - Grow the **** up. xoxo

*whip sounds* haha ;) ;) suckkss for you!(:

Why do you need three smiley faces in one comment?

Mattxy8 5

:D you :) cant :| have :( to :,( many D: smilies D,:

lpca28472 0

LOL u got so much hate 4 dat comment idk y tho m