By mcmacmick97 - 11/04/2014 00:08 - United States - Egg Harbor Township
mcmacmick97 tells us more.
Just to clear some things up I was working the early shift, which I do on most Thursdays and Fridays. I work at a small diner that opens at 7 and had left my house around 6:40 and was going to show up around 7-7:05. My boss usually shows up around 7:15-:7:30. Now when this cop put his lights on behind me I turned down a street to get off of the main road I was on.I was getting my license/registration ready and all that shit and he pulled up to my window and said he was very sorry and he was just trying to say hi to an old friend that he said had the same car as i do. Now this road i pulled down didn't allow me to get back onto the main road, and I had to take a 15 or so minute detour to get back on track. I got there around 7:25 and my boss was already there. I was glad I didn't get a ticket, but it was still very frustrating because I would've only been a couple minutes late and my boss would never have known, but the police officer threw my time off. And ive only been working there for about 3 or so weeks so it sucks to get off on the wrong foot. I also noticed several of you talking about how many write-ups you can get before being fired, and for mine it's 3. Like somebody else said just sucks to waste one already, but i shouldnt have too much of a problem keeping myself in check. Now for the story I told him, I figured he wouldn't believe it, but had to tell anyway. He seemed more irritated that I was "lying" about being late so i probably shouldnt have even bothered. But thanks FML for posting!
Top comments
If you were already late, then what significance does the story have, anyway?
Just to clear some things up I was working the early shift, which I do on most Thursdays and Fridays. I work at a small diner that opens at 7 and had left my house around 6:40 and was going to show up around 7-7:05. My boss usually shows up around 7:15-:7:30. Now when this cop put his lights on behind me I turned down a street to get off of the main road I was on.I was getting my license/registration ready and all that shit and he pulled up to my window and said he was very sorry and he was just trying to say hi to an old friend that he said had the same car as i do. Now this road i pulled down didn't allow me to get back onto the main road, and I had to take a 15 or so minute detour to get back on track. I got there around 7:25 and my boss was already there. I was glad I didn't get a ticket, but it was still very frustrating because I would've only been a couple minutes late and my boss would never have known, but the police officer threw my time off. And ive only been working there for about 3 or so weeks so it sucks to get off on the wrong foot. I also noticed several of you talking about how many write-ups you can get before being fired, and for mine it's 3. Like somebody else said just sucks to waste one already, but i shouldnt have too much of a problem keeping myself in check. Now for the story I told him, I figured he wouldn't believe it, but had to tell anyway. He seemed more irritated that I was "lying" about being late so i probably shouldnt have even bothered. But thanks FML for posting!
If you open at 7, why are you not getting there til a few minutes after 7?
She was running late, the cop pulled her over, couldn't get back on the road, detour she took was long. Need any other stated reasons?
#73, I think besides the fact that she was pulled over was the fact she left late to begin with knowing she had to open at 7. She just gets there in enough time so that she can at least get there before the boss finds out. Seems like she would have been fired if the boss knew she constantly shows up late. Not a good look, especially considering she's only been there for 3 weeks.
Showing up on time is showing up on time no matter who's there to see it. This is karma for not getting your butt to work on time every day. Don't count on getting out of a predicament just because no one is there to see you. Also, he can see your clock in times. Step it up, OP.
Yeah, if your mentality is well the boss isn't going to be there yet so he'll never know that I broke the rules, don't plan on keeping that job - or any other job you feel that way at - for very long. Just because he isn't there yet, doesn't mean he won't find out. Trust me, I've been a manager before and had plenty of employees attempt to pull the wool over my eyes. It rarely works.
It doesn't say anything about her habitually showing up late. The only information we have is that she was running late that day. Why does everyone assume that OP is shit at getting to work on time?
#77 How do you know OP is habitually late?
I would assume that since he has such a careless attitude about the fact he was already running late because the boss wouldn't be there anyway, that he shows up late pretty regularly when he opens anyway.
Now you know to leave a little earlier. I'd aim to get there around 6:50-6:55 if I were you. If you don't feel like going in, you can sit in your car and rest a little or play with your phone, like everyone else does. But, especially if you are new and don't have a solid track record, it's important you do whatever you can to build a good reputation.
Running late can you mean you left your house later than normal. I can run 5 minutes late and still be on time. To me, being on time is 5 minutes earlier than I am expected.
To be fair though, even if he had left early enough to get to work on time (6:55-7), getting stopped by the policeman would still have resulted in him being late. I agree that if you start at 7 you should be there on time, but his few minutes of lateness are not that relevant to the FML. The result would have been the same regardless of whether or not he was on time: the policeman would've pulled him over for a stupid reason, he would've showed up late, his boss wouldn't believe his story, and he'd get written up. FHL.
I didn't notice the male symbol and meant to put s/he.
Also op settle the question whether you are late habitually or was just late that day. I am assuming you aren't irresponsible and just woke up late or something.
What of OP is just a calm guy, just trying to see some good in a bad thing? I am like that.
Idk I would have taken the ticket at least ur boss would have believed that
Lol, I was going to say I love the irony in everyone assuming that OP is a "she" at the same time as they're telling OP not to make assumptions ;) It also doesn't help that the OP has chosen to list his gender. Anyway to the male OP, when you're giving your boss an excuse you need to actually leave out the details unless they're asked for (and then you better have them!).. otherwise it looks like you are fabricating a whole story. I realized this when I had a really solid reason for being late one day, and later saw the extremely shortened version in a communication regarding attendance. The shortened communication just made me look like a bad planner, but the truth is I had a backup plan and my backup plan had an emergency situation! These things do happen- Just make sure that you stay on top of your game from now on and your boss will see that you are of good character.
OP's a guy..
#83 - OP said that he left home at 6:40 knowing that he'd arrive between 7:00-7:05. He knows that the boss doesn't arrive until a certain time and so, it appears, he thinks it's okay "to be a couple of minutes late". This implies that he's habitually late. OP: considering that you've only been there for three weeks, you should try get your act together and get to work early.
ive been working there for about 3 weeks and ive had about 13 work days as of right now. Im not habitually late at all. Just happened to be running a bit late thursday morning, and Ive only been late one other time. THe first time was because a drawbridge was open and i had to take the same detour that i did thursday. But i had work yesterday and was there at 6:50. I know my boss usually doesnt get there til after but it still makes me nervous pulling up at 7:01 haha
i was pulled over
3 point turn lol
That's a lot cheaper than a ticket at least...
on your way. Mr Durden.
I have cop friends and they don't pull me over to say hi. It's more of a drive-by-wave.
In that situation I'd ask the cop to write me a note saying what happened with his badge number or a phone number to reach him so you don't get written up at work
YDI. You should be out the house much earlier just in case anything unexpected happens.
Did you just skip the whole late thing?
Getting written up is still a lot better than a ticket, in my opinion.
Though that really is bad luck, you said you were already running late before he pulled you over anyway. At my job, 2 mins or 20 mins late, it doesn't matter-so leave for work sooner next time!