By lilbit - 26/08/2009 17:08 - United States
lilbit09 tells us more.
ok...first...this trip had been planned by our church almost a year in advance, so everyone already had their tickets to go. second...there were about 5 other people in our group that didn't like riding rollar coasters so we all went on the boat rides and the train rides, and to the shows. options were go to the amusement park and hang out with friends all day, or sit at the office for half the day and then go home by myself and do nothing. fourth...i don't understand how deciding to have a child with your husband makes you a ****. can anyone explain that to me? oh, and by the way being pregnant may make you slow, but it doesnt make you boring. boring would have been staying at the house doing nothing all day.
Top comments
Pregnant women have a REASON to be slower, they're carrying a human being inside them, and her husband was just being a little douchey at the moment, read her comment.
Why is everyone argument either " She can't just stay home for months" or " You're pregnant you should have known" There are more than just amusment parks fi or entertanment or to just hagput with friends. and her husband ans friends could have slowed down for a bit ( unless they were super rushing to get an earily place in a line).
forking dock?
strangely, I thought u kinda deserved it....
I'm not saying you deserved that rude behavior from your husband but you shouldn't have been an an amusment park while pregnant anyways not jjust because you can't ride the rides but because I happen to know that amusement parks get extreamily hot and you do a lot of walking if ur pregant enough to be walking slower you shouldn't be doing all that walking anyways. just saying.
The comments to this post have made me seriously angry that people are THIS cruel. FMLs do NOT have to be so serious, they can be like this moment, where it's just like "really, this sucked". There is nothing wrong with a pregnant woman going to an amusement park...she was with her church group! And she also said they had their tickets for like a year, so why not go and enjoy the day with friends. Most of you on here are so super ignorant it makes me sick. FML is here for entertainment. Not for people to tear down others for living their life. OP, I hope your day was nice despite this, and I don't think your husband is a complete dick. He just had a moment.
Also walking during pregnancy is very good for you, especially in the last stages because it keeps your hips loose so labour would be much easier, worked for all my pregnancies (all 4 were five hours or less) and for all the women in my family too.

thats mean of him.. i would give him hell when you guys got home.
you cant have a miscarraige by walking around or riding the slow rides. i said we were walking through the park, not riding a roller coaster. why dont you pay attention?!?