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By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 04:29 - United States - Bentonville

Today, thinking he was being so hilarious, my friend slipped me enough laxatives to make a horse shit its intestines out. I haven't been able to move from the toilet for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 008
You deserved it 2 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dodge4x4Ram 46

I stay on the toilet by choice because my phone is fun. However it's no fun when you're constantly ******** yourself. Think about it this way, free weight loss!


Dodge4x4Ram 46

Yeah your friend has a ****** up sense of humor.

#36 Go on YouTube and search "Laxative Pranks". If you look at the the amount of likes, you'll see that thousands if not millions of people would find it funny too.

#46 Just because it's funny doesn't mean it's moral. There are millions of racists that make (terrible) racist jokes and then laugh about it. It's funny to them, but not right to everyone else.

I didn't say it was morale. I said it was funny. And besides, what's the big deal. The "friend" slips in a couple laxitives, later on OP gets the "friend" back with the same prank, and it's something they can laugh about in the future.

I_eat_hearts17 9

Only if OP doesn't end up in the hospital. Laxatives can cause some serious problems. lol

I stay on the toilet by choice because my phone is fun. However it's no fun when you're constantly ******** yourself. Think about it this way, free weight loss!

tossaway2321 5

Weight loss isn't always a good thing

I don't see why this is getting thumbed down, it's true, sometimes weight loss can be unhealthy!

Rectov 10

That awkward moment when people promote being underweight as cool on the Internet.

brendejafulable 41

Yup, and OP has a lot of alone time to Sit there and come up with ways to get back. I hope the thought process FLOWS smooth and easy.

Revenge would be interesting, although I'd up the ante by taking the toilet paper first! XD Well, if we're going with the same theme that

Steve95401 49

That wasn't quite the weight loss plan you had in mind.

Still better than most weight loss pills and op got it for free

Return the favor... That's all I can say about this...

Your "friend". Doesn't matter who he is. Who does that? FYL

tehdarkness 21

Agreed. That would be a friendship deal breaker for me.

iAmPaul 49

"Writing this from the toilet. Send help."

expertsmilee 26

A roll of toilet paper will cost one *******.