By lilbit - 26/08/2009 17:08 - United States

Today, while at an amusement park my husband left me to walk with all of our friends because he said that I moved too slow. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 034
You deserved it 6 158

lilbit09 tells us more.

lilbit09 0

ok...first...this trip had been planned by our church almost a year in advance, so everyone already had their tickets to go. second...there were about 5 other people in our group that didn't like riding rollar coasters so we all went on the boat rides and the train rides, and to the shows. options were go to the amusement park and hang out with friends all day, or sit at the office for half the day and then go home by myself and do nothing. fourth...i don't understand how deciding to have a child with your husband makes you a ****. can anyone explain that to me? oh, and by the way being pregnant may make you slow, but it doesnt make you boring. boring would have been staying at the house doing nothing all day.

Top comments

julia214 0

thats mean of him.. i would give him hell when you guys got home.

lilbit09 0

you cant have a miscarraige by walking around or riding the slow rides. i said we were walking through the park, not riding a roller coaster. why dont you pay attention?!?


Stupid baby. No I'm jk. Seriously though, fyl for having such a turkey-ass husband.

why are you at an amusement park while prego? you can't do anything fun anyway...I woulda gone to the spa instead and let your hubby and friends walk around.

ydi for being pregnant in the first place. and I have a feeling this FML is just your typical pregnant woman wanting everyone to say "oh you poor thing, you're doing the most important job in the world bla bla" get over it. pretty much every female can get pregnant, it's not a big achievement. and your husband should probably get used to you being slow and boring now that you have a kid on the way

Saying that someone deserves something for being pregnant is just silly. After all, if a certain someone didn't get pregnant, you wouldn't be here to leave juvenile comments on FML, would you? I don't know if I can even call this trolling. It was just bad. Try again.

RideOorDiee 0

'...with another mans child' you forgot that part! Your welcome!!

Tell him the baby isn't his. BURN. Too harsh?

maybe she shouldn't have gone in the first place, i mean what the hell, it's an amusement park and you are pregnant. it's like being a fish and going to the desert. fish don't ****** do that! cuz they know they are fish. damn fish, they are so tasty. i love fish.

some children will ruin ur life... i kno... i hav 2 sisters XD

What's a pregnant woman doing in a amusement park?

AntiChrist7 0

While everyone has the right to go to the amusement park if they please, I see no point in wasting money (lots of money at that) on a ticket to get in when the main point of an amusement park is the rides. If I couldn't ride whichever ride I wanted to ride I would be saving my money until next season when I was no longer pregnant. While there are shows, food, and such, at my local Six Flags, the best and ONLY good part is honestly the rides. I don't spend the money to go for my family if everyone isn't big enough or willing (or able) to ride pretty much every ride there. There are other things that can be done in groups to spend time with the husband and friends that don't involve wasting that much money. In my opinion it was completely stupid for her (or anyone who can't or won't ride all the rides) to go to something that is expensive and mostly about the rides, nothing more.

Depending on where OP went, she might have a season pass that she paid for in advance. Maybe she's trying to get all that she can out of it before the season's over.