By lilbit - 26/08/2009 17:08 - United States

Today, while at an amusement park my husband left me to walk with all of our friends because he said that I moved too slow. I'm pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 034
You deserved it 6 159

lilbit09 tells us more.

lilbit09 0

ok...first...this trip had been planned by our church almost a year in advance, so everyone already had their tickets to go. second...there were about 5 other people in our group that didn't like riding rollar coasters so we all went on the boat rides and the train rides, and to the shows. options were go to the amusement park and hang out with friends all day, or sit at the office for half the day and then go home by myself and do nothing. fourth...i don't understand how deciding to have a child with your husband makes you a ****. can anyone explain that to me? oh, and by the way being pregnant may make you slow, but it doesnt make you boring. boring would have been staying at the house doing nothing all day.

Top comments

julia214 0

thats mean of him.. i would give him hell when you guys got home.

lilbit09 0

you cant have a miscarraige by walking around or riding the slow rides. i said we were walking through the park, not riding a roller coaster. why dont you pay attention?!?


y the heack were u at an amusement park? do u have other kids?

DoMeBaby 1

What a jerk!! He should be more caring and loving if your pregnant, I mean if he was pregnant I don't think he'd be walking to fast either. Tell him to think about what your going through and to take it into consideration that your carrying who knows how many pounds of extra baggage on you!

She's probably just extra whiny and over dramatic from being pregnant. Oh, and you deserve it for being pregnant and going to an amusement park. This comment getting buried is testament to the overwhelming female majority on these commenting boards.

No, it's a testament to your overwhelming ignorance.

I'm a guy and I would probably bury your comment, because you're such a ******* loud asshole. Nobody cares about what you have to say, get out.

YDI for marrying suck an obvious asshole

WAT! he's horriable! he should be helping u walk, n lovin da fact ur carring his baby. wat does he mean ur walking 2slow? its his baby. he should want u2 slow down. wat r u doin@ a asmusmentpark anyway? u'd think he'd be worried about u.

triplethreat13 0

a pregnant woman at an amusement park? hardly likely, considering about 75% of the rides don't allow pregnant women. but i can picture you going with friends. i don't think this is fake, someone making this up would pick something like a mall, not an amusement park.

your husband and friends are all rude mofos..

Nightmare1 0

aw what a jerk :( it was probably not a good idea to go watch them all go on rides at an amusement park but who wants to miss out on the fun, right? i'd be so upset if my boyfriend or future husband ever said that to me

i_is_a_tr00l 0

Excuse me, but who got knocked up in the first place? I think it was you. That baby better be one damn cute kid. DON'T MAKE LOVE UNLESS YOU WANNA LOOSE THE HUB.