By mackmackey - 18/05/2013 23:15 - United States - Phoenix

Today, while at hospital with a broken arm, I was asked to raise my hand onto the x-ray machine. I told the nurse I couldn't move it without extreme pain. She told me to suck it up, picked up my arm, and dropped it on the machine. I could feel the bone completely separate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 744
You deserved it 3 916

mackmackey tells us more.

hey OP here, thanks to many of you for suggesting a lawsuit, I'll consider it! Btw, it was at an urgent care and not a real hospital

Top comments

What. The. Hell. I sincerely hope you reported her.

hpdrew15 9

File a complaint with the hospital and lawsuit with the courts!!!


KingCeltic77 18

You need to report her. I'm sure that is malpractice or something.

Chances are it wasn't a "Nurse" but an x-ray technician. Nurses know better.

ames214 3

And X-ray techs don't know better? Not all of us are assholes like this one, I would never force somebody to move their broken arm, There are other ways of getting the right picture

Ypetrol 11

Lawsuit her ! And hope you get better

Report her. Give name and information she needs to be writer up or fired. Maybe next time she will show a little more compassion.

brittyed 11

People like her should never be a nurse. Report her! Hope your arm heals, OP.

As an x-ray tech, this is terrible behaviour, and that woman could lose her job over it, especially if she did cause you more harm. Horrible ethics, this woman SHOULD lose her job. So sorry, OP! :(