By mackmackey - 18/05/2013 23:15 - United States - Phoenix

Today, while at hospital with a broken arm, I was asked to raise my hand onto the x-ray machine. I told the nurse I couldn't move it without extreme pain. She told me to suck it up, picked up my arm, and dropped it on the machine. I could feel the bone completely separate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 744
You deserved it 3 916

mackmackey tells us more.

hey OP here, thanks to many of you for suggesting a lawsuit, I'll consider it! Btw, it was at an urgent care and not a real hospital

Top comments

What. The. Hell. I sincerely hope you reported her.

hpdrew15 9

File a complaint with the hospital and lawsuit with the courts!!!


Every visit I've had to the hospital always had an evaluation forum that was mailed to me, asking for feed back (good or bad) Now I know why it's needed.

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Yes because patients are just a number. They have no soul and deserve to be treated like a broken car. Seriously? I've been to a hospital that treated me like I was in a high end motel. It's an hour away from home and I'd much rather go there than the local one. The local one has crap service and crap nurses. It's nurses and doctors like the ones you described that makes me feel no remorse paying the extra dollar.

Wow, #17. Sounds like you've never had to do anything while in extreme pain, ever. Must be nice..

I hope you're not a nurse of any kind. I've had a few broken limbs and luckily always had kind nurses. I understand that they're also jaded to it but that does not give them the right to mistreat anyone or tell them to "suck it up". If they think otherwise, they're in the wrong profession.

Some people are surreal. I can't even begin to start picking apart that comment because its just a pile of wank from start to finish.

clearly you've never had a broken bone before. Sometimes it's not a simple matter of 'wincing and getting on with it'. Nurses should have some level of understanding and a decent bed side manner.

My mother just fought breast cancer 5months ago and was first going to the University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital. Ranked#1! What a joke that place was. They treated her like cattle! My sisters and I pitched in a sent her to TX to get better care. If she would have stayed here, she would have died by the uncaring staff that are burnt out by the high volume of patients that are just a number to them.

I assume it's not the same in every hospital but when I went to get an x-ray, the x-ray part of the machine was on a movable arm and moved to wherever it was needed...

I certainly hope you aren't a mother, nurse, doctor, or anyone else who may need to deal with an injured or sick person. Ever. You are a rather heartless bitch. Here's hoping you snap an arm and have to just wince through it. Dumbass.

I've never been impressed with large University hospitals; when I did Home Care the majority of our most messed up patients came from big teaching hospitals. As impressive as they look, the care is often sub standard, and if your case doesn't improve their research numbers, they'll drop you so fast you won't know what hit you.

you've obviously never been in extreme pain, nor had a rude, shitty nurse or Rad Tech take an xray of something. usually when they treat you like that, they're burnt out on their job and need to find a new one. my grandmother broke her knee cap in a car wreak and instead of the rad tech taking an xray of it, he put a crap cast on it. we had to take her elsewhere to get the care she needed. its not so easy to just "suck it up" when broken bones are present. she needs to be fired... it'd probably be the best thing for her.

missashzilla 17

We don't really know what kind of day she was having. Maybe her last patient was a complete and total douchebag. I do understand that her behavior was uncalled for, but unless you do "suck it up" and get your X-ray done, the doctors aren't going to know how bad your injury is. To whoever was talking about the "movable machine," some places have them, some don't. Urgent care facilities are much smaller than actual hospitals and don't have as much equipment.

My dad went to Texas for his treatment. They treated him like less than even cattle is worth.

@34 I'm glad your mother is okay, and that she received the care she needed.

conholio33 28

That is not allowed i hope you said something OP and get well soon!!

anniemeece 23

Wow, that is appallingly terrible! I hope you feel better soon, and that she gets what she deserves.

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definitely complain about her and request she doesn't come near you again.

DjMonroe95 11

Grrrr crappy health care "professionals" really grind my gears! >:|, Sorry OP

And this is when you hire an attorney, get a nice fat settlement from the hospital and get a big step closer to an early retirement!