By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 02:21 - United States

Today, while at work at a new job, my brother comes and takes my car. Along with all my money, my phone, and whatever else I had in my purse. His message to me through one of my co-workers was "walk home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 464
You deserved it 3 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

animerose08 6

thats when I'd call the cops and report both my purse and car stolen. If my brother did that w/o my knowledge, I'd be pissed! I hope you didn't have to walk too far. I hope you kicked his ass when you saw him! LoL

ilovejeland 0

soo did you walk??? btw you should bring the cops home with you to scare the shitt out of him. then have him arrested..haha


EliteWord 0

Your brother is a meanie  hopefully your new job was walking distance. I would've been pissed lol

CRrawsum 7

I'd kick my brothers ass if he did that to me. And why does he have access to all of that?

compliments 0

take a dump on his chest when he falls asleep.

Maybe he had a spare key of hers. it's doesn't say she gave him the keys!

nothing in ga is ever close. hope u made it home ok. carma is a b....h

See my brother knows he better not do something like that to me cause I'll beat him up badly :) But that sucks OP, you need to train your brother better.. Hahaha jk!