By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 02:21 - United States

Today, while at work at a new job, my brother comes and takes my car. Along with all my money, my phone, and whatever else I had in my purse. His message to me through one of my co-workers was "walk home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 462
You deserved it 3 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

animerose08 6

thats when I'd call the cops and report both my purse and car stolen. If my brother did that w/o my knowledge, I'd be pissed! I hope you didn't have to walk too far. I hope you kicked his ass when you saw him! LoL

ilovejeland 0

soo did you walk??? btw you should bring the cops home with you to scare the shitt out of him. then have him arrested..haha


lmfaoo ydi cause how else would he have went in.

lmfaoo ydi cause how else would he have went in.

lmfaoo ydi cause how else would he have went in.

shasta32 0

did u kick his ass when u got home?

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

Hah, sounds like something my piece of shit brother would do.

meliimin 0

ooh that sucks! but I agree with 47, why would you have your purse in your car in the first place?.. lifes a bitch.

dreamz24 0

what a dick ! you should totally take revenge

musicFrEaK1077 0

oohh nooooooooooooo thats ignorannt

Griggy 0

How the hell did he get your keys? YDI...