By Anonymous - 12/05/2012 22:09 - Netherlands - Vianen

Today, while at work, I managed to scrape open the inside of my nose with my fingernail, drawing blood in the process. I had to quickly up an explanation for my scream that didn't go: "Well, I was scouting for boogers..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 501
You deserved it 24 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must trim your fingernails brethren.


Here's an idea for you, genius - keep your fingers out of your damned nose. Didn't your mother ever teach you not to do that? She didn't? You mean she left it up to me?? Fine then. DON'T ******* DO THAT AGAIN, STUPID.

Don't you think that's slightly harsh...? Everyone does that at one time or another, some without realizing it. It's basically human nature. It's not like OP is an unmentionable freak. Plus, rather that then her having boogers hanging out of her nose. As long as no one could see her, and she put the boogers into a napkin or something, it's not that big of a deal. Just unfortunate that she hurt herself + screamed.

I'm sorry, was I supposed to pat OP on her back and say "There there, it'll be ok"? Hell, I was given the name "DocBastard" for a reason, and it wasn't for my dashing good looks.

Chill Doc. Picking your nose is like taking a shit. Everyone does it but no one else wants to see you do it. Unless your'e into that sort of thing.

Yes, I think you were named bastard for your dashing good looks. To live up to your name, you should pat OP's back "there, there" and offer her a hot beverage.

skyeyez9 24

You were supposed to ask her if she would like a hot beverage? Like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory show.

22cute 17

Maybe Doc expects praise and a pat for being such a bastard all the time.

perdix 29

"A bug flew up there." Always have that one ready if you want to be a picker.

Find anything worthwhile up there... Except for gold?

demonkonga 5

Say u have a nosebleed =_=

Devin91 20

You should've just blown your nose.

... and you should have just pulled up your pants, Narcissus.

I think you can leave your pants where they are.

Yum? Are you sure you're responding to the right FML or do you just eat boogers and found this FML appetizing?

b0ngs 7

"I bashed my nose." there ya go. Now if you ate them boogers...thats a whole other story

BeatifulPenguin 4

How about the excuse, "Nose bleed!!!", dumba*s

If you're censoring cusswords, you probably shouldn't be on this site.

Wow I could of expected this from a guy but a girl? I am shocked...

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Should've told them the cocaine was no good.