By Anonymous - 12/05/2012 22:09 - Netherlands - Vianen

Today, while at work, I managed to scrape open the inside of my nose with my fingernail, drawing blood in the process. I had to quickly up an explanation for my scream that didn't go: "Well, I was scouting for boogers..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 501
You deserved it 24 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must trim your fingernails brethren.


Just say your nose started bleeding say its because you were trying to dry up your sinuses and they got to dry

That's one of the many reasons why you should only pick your nose in the privacy of your own home.

uhh. hello? that's why there's NOSEBLEEDS. man u are horrible at excuses..

"It wasn't my fault! My finger nail cut the inside of my nose when I was scratching!"

'Scouting for Boogers'? Thanks for the laugh, my brain decided to hook that phrase up with somebody that I used to know, yelling that at passerbys out the moon roof of my old car.

DrBlack 9

My god... I thought people stopped picking their noses when they were out of pre-school.

mowmowlife 21

Sometimes you just can't breathe or they're severely annoying. Sometimes you just need to pick. Naysayers need to geeeet overrr ittt. It's not like anyone's picking their noses, or wiping the finds on your keyboard or doorhandles, because you wash your hands afterward, of course. If anyone's dumb enough not to, then there's reason for trouble, but no.