This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By okThen - 17/05/2017 12:00

Today, while at work, I tried to go upstairs to get some water. The bartender politely refused to give me any, stating, "Sorry, the boss doesn't give out water anymore." After I asked why, she explained that it was too expensive to pay for the cups. I'd brought my own water bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 674
You deserved it 222

Top comments

Tartara 15

So my first thought was, isn't that illegal? So I looked it up. Apparently it is not illegal to refuse water to customers. HOWEVER it does violate OSHA to not provide potable water to employees based on their personal needs. So if it your boss - since it was mentioned while at work - he is violating OSHA and you should bring that up to them!

In some places, the tap water is completely undrinkable.


Why don't you refill it in the bathroom?

In some places, the tap water is completely undrinkable.

if she isn't taking it from the tab, why would she Need her own bottle?

bonehead69 15

eww.. you don't get water from a bathroom..

Because you never know what's floating around in a toilet! Hint: Nanoturds!

Why don't you refill it in the bathroom?

Tartara 15

So my first thought was, isn't that illegal? So I looked it up. Apparently it is not illegal to refuse water to customers. HOWEVER it does violate OSHA to not provide potable water to employees based on their personal needs. So if it your boss - since it was mentioned while at work - he is violating OSHA and you should bring that up to them!

species4872 19

Funny, over there it's Occupational Safety and Health, Down here in OZ, it's Occupational Health and Safety.

If you're in the US, you can't refuse to give water in a place that serves alcohol.

species4872 19

Interesting, here in Australia, NSW anyway they must provide water, (tap) free of charge by law. It is amusing seeing all the people buying bottled water from maccas when all they've got to do is ask for a cup of ice water and get it free.

Maybe they want a container they can close and don't have to walk around holding it. You can't put a cup of water in a bag.

Well, you can. It's just not an effective way of consuming the water.

bonehead69 15

Yea that's kind of a law here in the US.. the employer must provide water..


Does not getting a drink of water really deserve to be on fml ? I would have asked for a beer then called them cheap bastard and while on the clock go across town to a grocery store and buy a bottle of water and carry it around the rest of the day while only using one hand to work , ha.

Considering that dehydration interferes with brain function and can even cause death... Yes, an employer attempting to illegally refuse their employees something that said employees have a legal entitlement to is very much an FML. Especially if it's summer where OP works, because you can become severely dehydrated in just an hour in some conditions.

You can't be refused a basic human need... better call the BBB!

Cyberpope 3

A basic human need, sure, & so is food & shelter, but you must pay for those, too! If I feel the need to have water during the work day, I bring my own from home. My boss gives me paycheques so I can buy my own necessities of life.