By Ouchies - 01/10/2009 22:31 - United States

Today, while cleaning up, I dropped a box of thumbtacks, spilling them all over the floor. As I fumbled to pick them up, the power went out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 292
You deserved it 3 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have been on carpet, else you could have slid along the floor pretty easily instead of stepping. I realize the recent trend has been to post lots of puns in the comments, but here that would just be tacky.

You humped the floor at this point, right?


cutiepie87 0

"Today, In class I dropped my pencil, and I couldn't find it. Now i need to buy another pencil. FML" Seriously! Unfourtinatite, yes. FML, no. GTFO!!!

Erm... That's not even remotely close to being on the same level as this FML. The point was not that she lost her thumbtacks, it was that she couldn't see them in the dark and could step on them...

cutiepie87 0

I know. It's because this is NOT an FML. And, why would the OP even try to pick them up by hand? have you ever heard of a BROOM, OP?

Ever heard of carpeting instead of wood floors? Because you can't sweep on carpet, they just bounce all over the place, making it worse. How did you manage to rape "unfortunate" so thoroughly? That's talent.

This is the first FML that has had good comments.

kmfyr 0

A true FML. (Yes, it could've been solved in a variety of ways, but you still cannot deny the truly awesome series of events here.) Favorited. Thanks for the laugh. :D

_Natasha_ 0

i hope someone ran in and kicked you into the tacks "THIS IS SPARTA!"

TheUnlucky0ne 0

After the light's go out you can pretend your in Tom & Jerry

slag_ 0

i would stand up on the spot that i was in and jump to some side of the room where there is no tacks