By Ouchies - 01/10/2009 22:31 - United States

Today, while cleaning up, I dropped a box of thumbtacks, spilling them all over the floor. As I fumbled to pick them up, the power went out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 292
You deserved it 3 798

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must have been on carpet, else you could have slid along the floor pretty easily instead of stepping. I realize the recent trend has been to post lots of puns in the comments, but here that would just be tacky.

You humped the floor at this point, right?


xenomorph 0

That must have distracted you from the possibility of walking into the slavering fangs of a lurking grue.

isuckatskating 0

if you posted this at 6, and the power went off today, wouldnt there still be light in the room from windows and stuff?

You realize submit/posting time is usually irrelevant to the actual FML, right?

70- LOL. OP- FYL. I've stepped on things before. It sucks.

isuckatskating 0

Wow. What are the odds of you dropping thumbtacks, and then the power goes off? FYL indeed.

You probably got more pricks in that power outage than you'll get in your whole, damned life!

hornetchik 0

I'm guessing thumbtacks are drawing pins?

And who the hell uses thumbtacks anymore? Are you tacking some mimeographs and carbon copies to the corkboard?

why not completely safe sticky tack? (its what I call it) or TAPE!?!?!?!?!

perfectwinds 0

Because some of us are grown ups and like to use grown up things, like thumbtacks and regular scissors. >.< And tape doesn't work on EVERYTHING. Try hanging up a frame with tape and tell me how it works out.

Ah, sticky tack. I used to pick that stuff off the wall/teachers' desk when I was little and play with it under my desk in class.

wouldn't you need a nail or hammer or stud? Correct me if i'm wrong, but frames are also classy, not to be hung up by bright, childishly colorful and painfully obvious tacks with wide tops. and grown up supplies? since when is there an age limit on immature tools? I bet ample sticky tack will hold the frame up well, without the need to hang it or make it swing or go crooked because of a hand brushing by it... STICKY TACK › SHARP TACK!!!

Sureeeeee Witchcraft, you would "play with sticky-tack" under your desk out of view from the teacher in class when you were younger. I see through your clever wordplay ಠ_ಠ

she played with something that got sticky, all right.

Damn, you caught me. O_O I was finally confessing my secret shame under a pretense, and you had to go and blab it out. Thanks a lot, AME. -.- Glitchead, I could never get it going long enough for it to get sticky. Stupid teacher kept calling on me to answer questions.

boatkicker 4

I have to use thumbtacks. My appartment told us we can use them, but not nails because a nail hole is bigger. We also can't use stickytack OR tape because our landlord is cheap and even freaking scotch tape rips the paint and paper off the wall. I love having exposed sheetrock because we didn't realize it when we first moved in. I'd rather not cause anymore careless damage to my apartment.