By FuglyBetty - 24/02/2016 22:48 - Norway - Arendal

Today, while doing the grocery shopping with my boyfriend we came across another woman also out shopping, who looked shockingly like me despite her being another race, hair color and the like. The second he saw her, he blurted out, ''Oh, it's a pretty version of you!'' FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 073
You deserved it 1 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw OP don't be disgruntled, I'm sure there's a prettier version of him out there somewhere.

What a hurtful thing to say. I'm sure he didn't mean what he was implying but, shit, man, think before you speak!


Doesn't that mean that OP's boyfriend cares about more than just looks? Isn't that what you want?

When my husband and I were dating, he saw some mannequins wearing lingerie and said something like "Mmmm...skinny girls." He then looked at me with this smug confidence like he was about to drop the smoothest pantie-dropping line in history and said, "Not for me, though." I know that feel, OP...I know that feel...

Amazing how he thought that would be a compliment. Lol. It's almost funny.

My ex once blurted out "you have fat hips, it's refreshing. I'm so used to smaller girls..." palpable tension. I'm a UK 10 (US 6?) -__-

How would he like a bruised version of his face?

Op in his mind he was complimenting you, as you said she looked like you but with minor details, but his compliment became somewhat of an insult. Also please don't take the violent comments to heart.

Get a prettier version of him. You deserve someone else.

Don't take it to heart OP. For all we know, he blurted that out because she was you, but combined with other personal preferences he has that produced that reaction. Personally, I'd love it if Rihanna had some loose curls, so if I saw her with some, I'd be like "Wow, that's a pretty version of Rihanna!". Its not to say that she isn't pretty already, but the hair makes her SEEM prettier. That could be the what happened at the grocery store.

CliffyB03 28

I once saw a prettier version of me. I was in the dorm elevator and this girl gets on and I'm like "she looks so familiar. Nose, hair, and everything." "I've seen that face somewhere...oh wait"

For a second I thought you said "nose hair" haha

Just look at him and say "Look it's a single version of you!"

There are no other races, we're all human. YDI

You're thinking of species. We're all the same species. Race is an invented word that only applies to humans, used to denote arbitrary inherited differences like skin color.