By molliciousj - 19/02/2014 05:09 - United States - Houston

Today, while driving, I saw a dog run across the road. Feeling sorry for the pup on a cold, rainy night, I pulled my car over to pick it up. Once in, it started freaking out so I turned on the light. It was then that I realized I'd just put a wild coyote on my passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 021
You deserved it 16 311

molliciousj tells us more.

Okay, so this is embarrassing but you guys asked for it! First of all, I'm a receptionist at a vet hospital so I have a big soft spot for animals. When I saw the little creature run across the road I thought it could be someone's lost pet or a stray doggy looking for shelter. I couldn't just keep driving. The coyote was also pretty small so I assume it was a fairly young one. In my defense, it was super dark out and it's foresty where I live with little to no street lights so visibility is very limited. When I pulled over I saw a glimpse of the fuzz ball in my headlight, huddled under some bushes. I had a dog lead in my trunk that I took out just in case. The pup never saw me though so I was able to walk right up and swoop him. He squirmed a bit but not much which is surprising. Now, I've seen a ton of dogs come into the vet hospital that I work at which are half coyote or wolf and look very it's a real thing. I'm not entirely crazy. Ha. Anyways, upon setting the coyote in my car when he began freaking out and I turned the light on, there was no mistaking that this was a wild animal. I was face to face with the little guy who was scared to death that he was trapped in a driving machine with an insane girl who picked up a feral animal. Haha. He was jumping around and pacing in my car. I got out and ran around to open the passenger side door. I left both doors open and as soon as he saw an escape he took it and ran off. Just so you know, there were no animals harmed in the happenings of this FML and no damage done to my car (although he did poop in it) but I feel like such a jerk. I'm sorry, poor little coyote. :(

Top comments

hazardmuffin 21

You're a good person. :) Maybe keep a flashlight in the car for the next time you find an animal to rescue in the dark?


ThatInvisibleBoy 7

if it didn't bite I'd keep it as a pet.

If you are scared of Coyotes I recommend doing this Step 1. Pull Over Step 2. Scream like a little wimp as you exit the vehicle, extra points for swearing during this step. Step 3. Open passenger door from atop the roof of the car. Step 4. Once the Coyote has left the area gracefully slip back into the car and cry like a drunk calling their ex all the way home If you are a regular person just open the door and let the thing out and be on your way

Yep, this is my new favourite FML. I burst out laughing when I read it, haha.

Reading is fundamental #7. Try Again...

JMichael 25

Well I guess it's the thought that counts.

At least you didn't get hurt. Wild animals aren't always so willing to let you near them.

In addition to everyone's question of how you got him or her in, what the blazes did you end up doing with the rascal? Needs a follow up!

Some of you don't actually know what a coyote looks like, I can tell.