By E…… - 02/03/2009 17:28 - United States

Today, while driving my kids to school, my son said, "Why don't you find another place to live, so we can just live with daddy?" Then my daughter added, "Yeah, 'cause we LOVE Daddy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 350
You deserved it 8 493

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It really makes me wonder why your kids would say something like that. I know they sometimes say things they don't mean because they don't know any better... But I don't know. I'm not trying to say you are a bad mother or anything, it just makes me wonder.


Clearly you're doing something to turn your kids off. If you're beating your kids and that's the reason then no reason to worry. They'll thank you for it later, just keep them in line, I know I'm grateful that I got beat as a kids. Probably could have turned out as one of those spoiled brats that I'm seeing all over the place today. Although I can't really imagine beating a child, I would feel like a bully or a rapist.

there is difference between physically punishing your child when they overstep there boundaries and have ignored all verbal warnings which is what you're referring to as beatings instead of physically abusing them. you're being downvoted because of this misunderstanding.

growing up, my dad let me get away with more things and he was always working so i would say i like daddy more, but really its the same. they probably just want more time with him!

That they lover their Daddy doesn't mean they don't love you as well.

they want her to move out, so what's your point? :D

LolSoiSoiSoi 0

Why do all the women on here overreact to everything?

ionelementz112 0

You're probably doing your duty as a parent and raising your kids proper. Daddy is probably not, but they have fun.

hmm...if one said it thats one thing, but both...u should talk to him...

I would also like to know what you have done to them, or their father, to make them say that. Kids can say some off the wall things but never anything that cruel without reason. I think you should discuss this with your husband, maybe it comes from him

I ask my mother all the time when the hell she's gonna go away and live with her bf and leave the house to me. It's not that we don't love you, we just dont want to be around you ;D

Aww, Thats kinda sad, =( CHECKOUT MY PROFILE! <3 = D Peace