By Daniel - 27/06/2010 07:43 - United States

Today, while going to lunch with my boss, he asked me to check and see if the other lane was clear. When I did, he swerved hard, making me smack my head into the door window. This is apparently his new favorite thing to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 659
You deserved it 3 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

At least he didn't swerve so your head ended up in his lap. That would of been awkward. That would bring new meaning to "sucking up to the boss". Or has it always meant that?

HaiToThePeoples 0


Big_A1 0

Well, if the glass didn't break then it must not have hurt so bad.:P

jtb1996 0


jynxpawzz 11

um. wow. that should have tipped you off op. a driver doesn't need someone in the passenger seat to check the other lane for him. that's why cars cone equipped with rearview and side Mirrors. sorry about your head but I think you deserved it.

beautifulppl 0

your boss is badass!!! it's the little things in life ha

KrystalCaliyah 0

im soo sorry iwoulda got fired that day !.

LaneyyLOVE 0

lmao; I wouldv'e pointed && said what's that, && smacked the shhh out of him.

qnzswag 4

lol thats funny but next time i think u should drive!