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By Daniel - 27/06/2010 07:43 - United States

Today, while going to lunch with my boss, he asked me to check and see if the other lane was clear. When I did, he swerved hard, making me smack my head into the door window. This is apparently his new favorite thing to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 661
You deserved it 3 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

At least he didn't swerve so your head ended up in his lap. That would of been awkward. That would bring new meaning to "sucking up to the boss". Or has it always meant that?

HaiToThePeoples 0


HaiToThePeoples 0
phreshboi 1

sucks for you then, but you'll know for next time to be prepared

ydi for longing for the touch of an older man

Averizzle 0

Smack debrahs head on the window while swerving! * Like a boss*

OP you're lucky the window wasn't down and that you're skinny and weren't wearing a seatbelt and flew out the window.

Blame_The_Dog 0

you know you're a pussy complain about having an awesome boss

yellowdub 4
dancer821 3
bonicr 0

OP at least you're on good terms with your boss. So he's kind of a douche... he's the boss, it's one of his perks. Quite frankly unless you're good enough at what you do to get a better job, stop complaining.

HAHAHA! that is awesome. you should take your boss to lunch tomorrow

HeyMina 0

wow. make sense less much, much? much?

HeyMina 0

thanks for that, jerk. very nice.

"Yeah you're clear," BANG. Hahahahaha.

HeyMina 0

^ Lmfao! Good one. Made me crack up.

I try, I try :D. lol. But couldn't you picture that? lol.

HeyMina 0

Completely:) Genius move, though. I can almost say he was asking for it.

Hah, maybe that's the boss' way of saying "No, you aren't getting a promotion so quit already."

HeyMina 0

Aha xD My thoughts: "That's what you get for trying to kiss ass by taking a drive with the boss."

shepaintsmusic 6

hahahaaaa well exucse me princess!

HaiToThePeoples 0
ArtIsResistance7 1

At least he didn't swerve so your head ended up in his lap. That would of been awkward. That would bring new meaning to "sucking up to the boss". Or has it always meant that?

samanthadude 0

lololol I have to try that.

Gobsnoglin 0

Thank you for teaching me my new most favorite thing in the world.

wendellholmer 0
Babushka_Homyak 10

I don't know about suing, but OP could certainly report the boss to HR if they feel so strongly about it.