By Anonymous - 22/05/2010 23:22 - United States

Today, while having sex with my boyfriend, my dad called my cell. He ended the phone call with, "and tell your boyfriend to shut up, I can hear him moaning." FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 587
You deserved it 47 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shiftfaced 0

why would you even answer the phone?

who continues having sex while talking to their parents? y totally di you dirt ball.


angels_siren 0

@123 Wow. ifor a sec i thought it said "dont let me here that this f***** is pregnant" :S

angels_siren 0

@123 Wow. For a sec i thought it said "dont let me hear that this f***** is pregnant" :S @This post Wow. i was screwing around with my bf at the time and my dad called. i didnt have the guts to answer. i hear the voicemail he left. he was pissed and said i had 5 f****'ing minutes to get home.

bloodgirl_fml 5
akeller3298 1

This is the stupidest comment on here .


That's kinda weird you answered the call from your dad with someone inside you lmao

That's so disrespectful to have sec around your parents. YDI.