By Anonymous - 02/01/2012 20:55 - United States

Today, while I was in the break room at work, one of my coworkers walked in on me playing with my animal crackers, complete with animal noises. Now, the entire department won't stop teasing me and calling me Tarzan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 704
You deserved it 36 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crchara 3

what else are animal crackers supposed to be used for?

Years ago, I was adrift at sea, all I had were my beloved animal crackers. I... had to eat them to survive. Every last one. The memories still haunt me. So I drink to dull my anguish.


skullofdarkness 18

Okay, my opinion of this depends on gender: if it's a guy doing tht it's retarded, if it's a girl, it's funny but kinda cute... Either way, lmao! XD

Shirley Temple would have been a better choice of a name.

I would have laughed then walked away, never to speak of it.

You gotta enjoy the small thing and remember to be a kid sometimes. I play with animal crackers and find nothing wrong with it.

i would totally love it, come into work doing a tarzan scream

Animal crackers are friends; not food.

ChrisMora 16

I probably would have joined in.