By Anonymous - 06/10/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, while I was in the shower I noticed a short, black hair on my loofa. I ignored it and lathered up my entire body with it. When I put it back down, a roach crawled out of it. What I thought was a black hair was in fact its antenna. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 770
You deserved it 8 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiddleChild08 0

Look at it this least it was clean cockroach...

Im hoping you showered... again. Without the roach this time.


Sun_Kissed18 25

Ok, I see a lot of "dirty shower" comments. Am I the only one who thought that maybe the shower wasn't necessarily really moldy and gross, just that he doesn't shower often enough to keep curious bugs away? Either way it’s disgusting!

Pastor_Rich 0

I smoke my roaches... blows out a bong hit

"Today I was hanging out in a loofah, and then out of nowhere this human picked it up and proceeded to wash themselves with it. With me still in it. FML"

These are usually funny, but this requires me to believe that a roach could actually talk, and that I would actually care what it had to say.

skyeyez9 24

When I was a kid, I woke up early one morning and decided to go out and play. I put my bare foot in my shoe and felt something like peanut butter inbetween my toes. i pulled out my foot out and realized I squished a cockroach hiding in my shoe, bits and pieces of it were on my foot.

cheapsheep_fml 0

I just noticed that a man posted this. O: oh well.

I just invite you to see it from the roaches point of view. I bet that wasn't a pretty picture either.

Roaches like to get clean too ya know...actually roaches are disturbingly clean, dirt and germs don't really stick to them as easily...