By Anonymous - 06/10/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, while I was in the shower I noticed a short, black hair on my loofa. I ignored it and lathered up my entire body with it. When I put it back down, a roach crawled out of it. What I thought was a black hair was in fact its antenna. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 770
You deserved it 8 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiddleChild08 0

Look at it this least it was clean cockroach...

Im hoping you showered... again. Without the roach this time.


dspadres 0

So you rubbed your junk with a roach. Big deal. If you think that's the worst thing to ever make contact with it you're golden. And ydi for using a loofa. Be a man. Use sandpaper.

LMFAO. That's what I was thinking. I was waiting for "I found out it was a cockroach antenna. After I stuck it in my mouth. FML"

Not an FML buddy. Honestly, there are worse things in life? Did it kill you? I doubt it. Does it bite? No. How is your life ******?

really if it killed him would it be on here no........ Almost none of these are FMLs because not a lot will **** up your life. But who the **** cares they are funny or gross or funny gross I enjoy them even if it is whining

ohhhhman 0

plexico, not everyone has crabs in their pubes...

People just love to bitch. ^ ^ I love having little explosive rants. It's sadder when people read them.

mistercoffee nailed it .,, where's the TICK

MrsDracoMalfoy 0

Even if you smashed it with your loofa it would still be alive. Oh, don't you LOVE roaches??