By Anonymous - 06/10/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, while I was in the shower I noticed a short, black hair on my loofa. I ignored it and lathered up my entire body with it. When I put it back down, a roach crawled out of it. What I thought was a black hair was in fact its antenna. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 770
You deserved it 8 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiddleChild08 0

Look at it this least it was clean cockroach...

Im hoping you showered... again. Without the roach this time.


StrawberryPiez_ 0
LeStab 4

Oh that sucks not really a FML but still.

the real FML here is that you are a man showering with a loofah.

wait how do you people know its a "guy"?

It says under the FML, dear. #5685811 (86) I agree, your life sucks (9846) - yeah! way to show 'em (2009) On 10/06/2009 at 5:31pm - misc - by Anonymous (man) - United States (South Carolina)

Obviously that roach was checking you out. I hope you two had a fun shower together. ;)

ajwoowa 0

haha i totally expected that to be a pube

And what is wrong with using a loofa if you're a guy? Jesus christ you people are weird. Not only are they better than washclothes, they feel/clean awesome-style. I wouldn't think twice if a guy used one. In fact, three of my previous boyfriends have all used one or a poof, and so have a lot of my male friends.

cockroaches actually keep themselves very clean, their surroundings usually dirtier than they are.. so I wouldn't worry about germs