By Anonymous - 06/10/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, while I was in the shower I noticed a short, black hair on my loofa. I ignored it and lathered up my entire body with it. When I put it back down, a roach crawled out of it. What I thought was a black hair was in fact its antenna. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 770
You deserved it 8 926

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MiddleChild08 0

Look at it this least it was clean cockroach...

Im hoping you showered... again. Without the roach this time.


freepwnyride 0

Today, I was hanging out in my loofa when some asshole picked me up and rubbed me all over his naked body. FML

unlucky93_fml 0

its really annoying all these fml's are being repeated. (roaches, pens, etc)

The main problem is that you're a guy using a loofa.

Udyjay 1

...I really don't see a problem with a guy using a loofa. You people need to get over yourselves. and ew, OP. That... sucks.

antonioohama 0

Euch. At least you were taking a shower when it happened, so you could just wash it right off.

iheyman 0

YDI how the hell do you get roaches In the shower?!?!

Wow. Seriously people. Grow up. Who cares if a guy is using a loofa? At least they're actually cleaning themselves properly. I don't care how "manly" being a dirty slob is, I wouldn't date someone who can't clean themselves properly. What's next, is using Conditioner evil? Shall we pull soap from the list as well? Heck, know what? Just forget the whole thing. Why even bother washing yourself, right? Honestly, I'm more surprised by the fact that he didn't remove the hair from it. Kinda slobbish if you ask me. As for why a roach might wind up in someone's shower. Roaches are quite fond of warm, humid places... so it's not surprising one might decide to hide in the shower. No matter how thorough you are, they still manage to get through sometimes, so "cleanliness" isn't going to outright prevent that, however, seeing as how this person leaves dirty hairs in their loofa, it's possible they could have a messy house.

Zim4 0

ydi for using a loofa... or saying loofa... or really just having anything to do with a loofa...

zfchatroulette 24

What possible reason could you have for saying that, 117

zebrapattern 6

why would you ignore a short black hair on your loofa in the first place? you're gross.