By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 08:35

Today, while I was in the shower, my boyfriend decided to join me. We were really getting into it and he attempted to lift me up. Not only did I let out a massive fart, he slipped and fell on top of me. He won't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 739
You deserved it 10 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I fail to see how his enjoyment of the failures you two endured is a bad thing. You should be glad that he can make light of this situation. Unless you REALLY wanted the D ;).


I would understand if you got hurt! Slipping in the shower is not fun. especially prior someone to fall on you. but some masochists would like that very well..

Lauren0911 11

you guy's must make a extremely cute couple im sure. Sounds like you have a keeper, Congratulation!

They sound like a keeper; being able to laugh at the ridiculous is a good quality to have. Hope you're ok, OP.

Hahaha too funny! He's a keeper if he didn't get disgusted by that. And hey it's natural... Just sucks that it happened then..

I literally laughed out loud when I read this and my parents asked me what I laughed at... I had to read this to my family out loud or else I was to be grounded...

Crabtree1015 12

These are memories you will never forget! :)