By ragass_mctree - 29/09/2010 23:02 - United Kingdom
ragass_mctree tells us more.
dude im young, sensible and i hardly ever drink. it was my best friend's birthday party and she's leaving the country in a couple of weeks. i couldnt stand the pain of dealing with her not being here anymore so, and i agree it was stupid, drank on an empty stomach but accidentaly drank too much. dont lecture me if u dont know shit about what the situation was please
Top comments
Draw more on your face to cover it up.
I can expect a shitload of YDI coming your way Op...
Sounds horrific. Were you drinking Pan-Galactic Gargleblasters? If not, you were missing out on one of the galaxy's most overrated phenomena. Might as well keep missing out on it, and any other new experiences. They won't make you happy. Nothing will. Everything you do is so utterly pointless. Oh, God, I'm so depressed. I'm not bringing you down, am I? Life. Don't talk to me about life.
Funny party
nail polsh makeup remover
48: It's a rule. No nonsense here.
lol this is hilarious! and ****** up but you totally deserve it for falling asleep.. haha
I hope it wasn't permanent marker. that's a bitch to get off.
good point
Marvin_Android, I love you.
1, agreed. Just say your friend pranked you or something, and cover up the worst of it. No need to explain. (Although morally, you should. Lol ydi for drinking. Call me a geek but drinking's never smart.)
1, agreed. Just say your friend pranked you and cover up the worst of it with his name or something. Ydi for drinking though. Call me a geek, but drinking is a slow and painful road to liver failure.
Thanks, but I doubt it. I've been around that a lot.
ur cute
now you really are a ********.
yeh that alcohol is mean stuff that's why I stick to weed
Simple, either go to another friend's house and get washed up or if you really must go to a public bathroom and do it. Why do you have to go straight home?
Tell your dad that, at the sleepover, you guys were doing a Sex Education project, and you all didn't have any paper, so you just did the project on your face. Or you can just put a bag over your head, and hide in shame. Your choice, OP.
haha thats actually the only funny comment ive read on here dude :P cheers for that haha and for any1 else who cares, i DID have my shoes off but the unwritten party rules here in the uk are different unfortunately :(
haha you're ugly and you deserve to die!!!! I hate you Soooo much
That's happened to me and you can wash it off after scrubbing.
100% YDI.
why? he was having fun at a party, not smoking crack or drowning puppies. you guys all go crazy whenever a fml involves drinking or smoking.
He deserves it 100%, because it was 100% due to his choices. He went out to a party with immature friends and drank to the point of passing out, knowing that the next day he was going to have to face his father. His worst decision wasn't to go out drinking, it was to drink so much that he passed out. If he'd exercised even a little control he wouldn't have Sharpie all over his face. Therefore, HDI.
so? he didnt choose to have a father with no sense of humor. sometimes when youre drinking you lose track of how much youve had too, its not like he was trying to pass out.
oh yeah, when you pass out with your shoes on you have to be ****** with, but that doesnt mean he deserves a douchey father
But he knows what his father is like. This situation is quite easy to avoid. He didn't avoid it. Therefore, he deserves it. And I don't think it's "douchey" for a Jew to be touchy about swastikas.
#151 - I'm living in Germany at the moment, and you bet your ass they're touchy about swastikas. It's massively illegal to display them here.
dude im young, sensible and i hardly ever drink. it was my best friend's birthday party and she's leaving the country in a couple of weeks. i couldnt stand the pain of dealing with her not being here anymore so, and i agree it was stupid, drank on an empty stomach but accidentaly drank too much. dont lecture me if u dont know shit about what the situation was please
151 -- so, because it was a long time ago it doesn't matter anymore? It wasn't a hundred years ago -- there are survivors still alive today. That's pretty relevant. In general, I'm not an easily offended person, but I'm Jewish and if I passed out drunk at a party and someone drew swastikas on my face, I would be pissed as hell.
The swastika isn't relevant anymore? Are you ******* retarded?! Not only is it the center of the biggest war in history, due to that war it is the most recognizable symbol in history. You realize that the swastika was a symbol of peace before being associated with the Nazi party? Look at how differently it is looked at now. If you choose to be ignorant, also choose to be silent. Do us a favor.
LOL What kind of situation "compels" some1 to drink up to the level where you lose your senses? It was your own choice to drink. YDI becoz : 1) You lied to your dad 2) You should be prepared for such things if you go for a party with alcohol. No need to cry over it here. Either you drink only as much as u can handle it, or you accept what happened to you after getting wasted. The "lectures" as you say it, instead of trying to defend yourself accept your mistake and learn from it.
point stands: never fall asleep first at a party.
Your still fucken dumb for drinking anyways you obviously weren't even 18 you dumb **** your the reason I hate your generation
That must have been one hell of a party.
To be fair, you shouldn't have lied to your dad about where you were going... but everyone does it. Ah, the joys of being the legal age to drink.
YDI for not knowing your limit
ydi for keeping your shoes on, everyone knows you can't fall asleep with shoes on or it's fair game ;P
Asher Roth - "I love College" you could learn from him Op... listen to it
what part of long island you from
I hope you weren't bleeding from your butt! YDI. Why? Because I am an enemy AC-130 above!
mw2? o.o that's all that popped into my head sorry
What does that even mean?

Draw more on your face to cover it up.
If your dad asks why you have penises (peni?) on your face along with swastikas, say that you're making a "Nazis are giant dicks" statement? I dunno I guess you're screwed.