By jaleesadavis21 - 18/10/2011 13:25 - United States

Today, while I was in the shower, my older brother thought it would be funny to change the language on my phone to Serbo-Croatian. I don't know how and can't change it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 017
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

You must put it on the top rack of the dishwasher and run the cycle with the heated drying. Then it'll work great.


google how to change languages on your phone, and there's usually a number sequence to follow (unless it's a smart phone) but even still the interface should look the same, just the words are different. videos help

savemycookie 0

First thing you do, learn how to access the prankable settings on your phone. I once set my phone to Chinese in order to use the Lunar Calendar (it was a while ago, I was young and stupid) and easily changed it back to English (UK).

Serbo-Croatian stopped existing 20 years ago. Now there's Serbian and Croatian. Plus it's not that difficult if it's in Latin script then it's probably Croatian, and if it's cyrillic, it's def Serbian.

Serbian and Croatian are practically the same language, with only minor differences. So, Google Translate can totally help you. "Settings" is Podešavanja, or in Cyrillic writing Подешавања. "Language" is Jezik, so it's probably somewhere under Podešavanje jezika (Подешавање језика) or Jezička podešavanja (Језичка подешавања), еtc. I'm guessing you know at least a little about your phone, so I'm sure it's not that difficult to change it back. I mean, just Google changing your phone language and that's it.

Bring ur phone with u, or google translate it

bkxccrunner 0