By jaleesadavis21 - 18/10/2011 13:25 - United States

Today, while I was in the shower, my older brother thought it would be funny to change the language on my phone to Serbo-Croatian. I don't know how and can't change it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 017
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

You must put it on the top rack of the dishwasher and run the cycle with the heated drying. Then it'll work great.


blackheart24 10
NightmaresDollie 0

How do you know it was that language unless you a.) saw it and you really are challenged and need to get a nonsmart phone or b.) you know the language in which case you should be able to read it..

#77 Or, you know, her brother told her what language it's in. In which case, she *STILL* wouldn't be able to read it.

That sucks, but that is hilarious. Sorry though. :(

Kayaker96 3
luraizu 0
perdix 29

1. На почетном екрану, пронађите и додирните икону која има слику зупчаника: 2. Када се следећи екран појави, пронађите и додирните део који приказује исту икону зупчаника: 3.. На следећем екрану, померите се надоле и пронађите група поставки која нуди четири опције. Додирните трећу опцију у овој групи: 4.. На следећем екрану, додирните прва опција: 5. Изаберите ваш језик са листе, а затим тапните светло плава икона у горњем десном углу: 6. После неколико секунди, ваш иПхоне, иПад, или иПод тоуцх би требало да се врати на почетни екран и приказали језик који сте одабрали. Duh, was that so hard. YWIA

lenamartinovic 13

Dude I'm Serbian and have no clue to what you're talking about.

#114 What are you talking about? I can understand it perfectly.