By Anonymous - 30/04/2014 05:17 - United States - Muncy

Today, while I was making dinner, my husband argued that our new dog has intelligence issues, and we should give him away. I angrily defended the poor thing, and had almost won, until the dog walked over and licked the inside of the hot oven door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 848
You deserved it 6 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

This is really an FtDL (**** the Dogs Life)

What I want to know is why the hell the "hot oven door" was able to be licked.. If he just walked over while you were still using it, then I feel more sorry for the dog that you left the hot oven open.. =/


poor baby it's not his fault ): dont give him away..

Anonymous2194 4

The husband was in the wrong, but OP seems like she actually cares about the dog, so don't pin this on her.

70-- I am beginning to think you are OP...

#81. I thought the same thing, this person is very defensive about this post. This person is either directly involved with the fml or just really feels a connection with OP.

bk64 9

"Today my owners were fighting with each other about something. To my dismay I saw some yummy stuff on the side of the box they use to make food, plus I know they like it when things are clean, so I thought they would be happy and stop yelling, it was a good win win situation. for some reason my tongue hurts now.. I am gonna go lick my balls... Fml" dogs perspective

Do you have kids? God forbid one of them is special needs because they are in danger if being abandoned orphans. I really hate you back-ass reasoning!

micdundee0047 4

That is not the dog's fault. That is your fault for leaving the hot door open. How many dogs do you thing understand the meaning of the little red light? You should get rid of the dog seeing how you are too stupid to take care of one. I'm sure anyone else would do a better job.

Anonymous2194 4

Just kill yourself. You, and several others on here are undeservedly giving OP a hard time.

Razi_tail 25

Obviously there was something that smelled good on the oven door. Try cleaning your oven, not leaving it open for the dog to lick, and keeping the dog out of the kitchen while cooking. A dog is not going to know how hot something is without learning first. You can do preventative steps even though it has probably learned it's lesson by now.

You should've asked your husband if the next time he makes a mistake you should just give him away to someone else. Sorry OP, but he sounds like an shallow jerk from where I'm standing. Poor puppy.

They've nearly all said what I think except one very important thing. The dog will adapt to its master very well, in character and sometimes in actions or mannerisms. Real life jokes about this are all over the press and internet. It's more likely he's blended in just fine.... Not that I'm saying you are the stupid one OP