By Anonymous - 30/09/2013 16:23 - United States - Mulino

Today, while I was pet-sitting for my boyfriend's parents, one of their dogs killed one of their kittens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 550
You deserved it 5 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

asnakelovinbabe 16

That's horrible :( I am sorry you had to witness that! This happened to me once when I was about 15. They were my grandparents pets.


And all that money they almost saved on cat insurance by switching to Geico, gone.

You might not be the best petsitter...

happyfingers 15

Oh my god... I'd be in tears. How do you even explain that? Was the dog usually rough with the kitten? If so they shouldn't have been allowed near each other, in which case, unless you were uninformed of this, it was likely your fault. But that's still horrible. The poor kitty :(

I was just reminded once again why I'm not a dog person. Oh, I don't hate all dogs, if they're sweet and friendly and stuff, but once when I was younger my parents got a dog and she got into my room and killed one of my guinea pigs. Also friendly dogs can turn very unfriendly in a second, sometimes for no obvious reason, like when another dog we owned just turned on my mother and he had to be put down. And then there was the incident when I was just walking down the road doing absolutely wrong and minding my own business when somebody's rottweilers who were just wandering freely... Anyway, dogs have no moral conscience to tell an innocent person apart from a dangerous one, and lack the intelligence to know that not all small creatures are their prey, contrary to what dog people think.

No one cares why you dont like dogs. So what.

SilverInGray 25

I had a dog that loved to hunt mice and rabbits outside. However, he wouldn't hurt my hamster at all. Once it got out and he showed us where it was by following it around. He never once hurt it. Dogs are smart enough to differentiate between prey and playmate. They also almost always know the difference between a good person and bad unless there's something wrong with them or they are trained badly.

Agreed 53. A lot of people have dog issues because they buy a dog based on cuteness and have no actual knowledge of the breed. You have to research the best breed for your lifestyle. If you buy a dog that is bred to hunt small prey or even specifically rodents, like a Westie, then you probably would have expected them to be very excited by your hamsters and, unless trained otherwise, why wouldn't they kill them? All it takes is a good breed match for your lifestyle and training is SO important.

36, I feel like some bad experiences have given you a bad outlook for all dogs. There are some great ones. I'm scared of dogs, but once I get used to one I'm okay with it and trust it. Grouping all dogs or all cats together is as bad as racism.

Time to jump on Craigslist & find a quick replacement!

Find a new cat, spray paint it took like the old one and hope it doesn't destroy the house.

Catastrophe already has cat in it, no need to butcher the rest of the spelling.

That is unbelievable.. Sorry to hear that