By Anonymous - 24/02/2013 19:58 - United States - Everett

Today, while I was shaving my nether regions, my trimmer slipped and ate a chunk out of my balls, right beside a vein. I've been bleeding on and off for an hour, and the New Skin I tried isn't able to dry quickly enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 253
You deserved it 8 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm .. Shouldn't you get some medical help?


seansbro56 10

Random comment passing through

seansbro56 10

I know it is stupid... BUT IT WORKS ON IFUNNY

I say balls to her! Make her apologize for injuring your manhood. I would have gotten those ghasts from down there to teach her a lesson. I hope your attempts to recover weren't in vein.

Who is the "her" you're referring to? You may want to read the FML.

tazedogkc 4

That's where superglue comes in

Thr33to16 8

Of course! I hear that's how they reattach clitori too.

For some reason, i read the first part as "shaving my neighbours region" ... i was so confused on how you managed to pull off trimmer munching part of your balls o.O

Man that sucks... Keep applying pressure and if all else fails you should probably see a doctor; you might need stitches.

Are we talking scrotum or full on ********? Either way it would hurt, but the latter... Absolute hell.

I would prefer hell. Hell means I would be dead, which I would prefer.

perdix 29

Nair for Men, that is, if you still are biologically male after this ordeal.

Have you read the bottle? It says NOT to put it there! Next time, get a better grip of the trimmer

perdix 29

#57, if you want smooth balls, you can take your chances with an off-label use of Nair, or scrape your bals with sharp metal blades. Take your pick.

TheHeavyOne 15

Feel for you bro, shit takes awhile to stop.