By Anonymous - 24/02/2013 19:58 - United States - Everett

Today, while I was shaving my nether regions, my trimmer slipped and ate a chunk out of my balls, right beside a vein. I've been bleeding on and off for an hour, and the New Skin I tried isn't able to dry quickly enough. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 253
You deserved it 8 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm .. Shouldn't you get some medical help?


Pour a bottle of iodine on it to prevent any infections.

What were you using? A straight razor?

token_blackguy 18

That's why you don't put sharp metal near sensitive areas.

qwertyLP 9

Dude... Jewels should not have razors that close... Think about you soldiers man!!!

That sucks man, but hey, try some super glue! They used to use it on wounded soldiers, should be more than good enough for your dangly bits.

Satoaoi 13

got damn I would of flipped shit

I feel so bad for your misfortune. I imagine the ball sack tissue being looser than vaginal tissue. Consider using a normal razor instead & trim by going with the grain of hair. Then shave by going against the growth to get the rest. It's a lot less likely to irritate or cut the skin. But before you even shave exfoliate skin by scrubbing the area then letting the shaving gel/cream sit for a couple minutes. You'll never have that happen again. For now. Don't shave until it's completely healed. Or shave around that area (I doubt that place will grow hair anytime soon).

jennuhm 4

You failed the testes. You will now have to gonads and have yourself healed. Until then...have a nice slip, see you next ball.