By dentistrygirl - 03/05/2012 19:41 - United States

Today, while I was sneaking a boy out of my room at 2am, I ran into my mom sneaking a man into her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 322
You deserved it 11 738

Same thing different taste


"I won't tell if you don't tell"?

I'd say ydi because it's mom's house and she can do whatever she wants, however immoral it might be. still, I hope she didn't get too mad at op cause that would still be hypocritical

haha, everyones saying poor husband/dad maybe there dad and the.mum didnt want her daughter to know she was seeong him,

Almighty_Chris97 6

Like mother like daughter. Feeling frisky at the same time. Awkward...

I like how it's "A boy" and "A guy", I see herpes in your family tree.