By dentistrygirl - 03/05/2012 19:41 - United States

Today, while I was sneaking a boy out of my room at 2am, I ran into my mom sneaking a man into her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 322
You deserved it 11 738

Same thing different taste


dougierocks 13

No, I got it from her momma...

Streetracer15 9

I bet you both have come up with a agreement huh?

Its the "I won't tell if you won't" situation.

Apple didn't fall far from the **** tree.

heyheysmile 0

Sluttiness must runs in the family

PrimalHunk 5

I can only imagine what the guys thought about it...But yea said already "doesn't matter had sex" or "doesn't matter going to have sex".

It doesn't actually say she's cheating on the dad. If she's sneaking a man into her ROOM, they are most likely separated. However, It would be better if she remarried. It is rather immoral, especially considering the daughter is under the same roof.

23chicagobulls01 0

Mom: What are you doing? Daughter: What are YOU doing?! Mom: I won't tell your dad if you won't. Daughter: Deal!