By dentistrygirl - 03/05/2012 19:41 - United States

Today, while I was sneaking a boy out of my room at 2am, I ran into my mom sneaking a man into her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 322
You deserved it 11 738

Same thing different taste


gabybilyk 5

Good so you won't get in trouble ;)

OhDearBetrayal 25

87- I'm sorry, would you like them back??

cylus13 9

Like mother like daughter.

Does it no enter anyones mind that it's possible her mother is divorced or single and that she isn't cheating on her husband? YDI for sneaking a boy in your room, you sound like you are 14 years old and are too young to have sex.

NoxiousNorwegian 5

Like mother, like daughter

I guess your family is full of *****. Yeah that was mean. I just do not like seeing people have sex with everyone they meet. Find someone and stick with them. Also, op didn't specify if that boy was her bf or not and her mom must be single or cheating. Cheating is bad mmkay?

rcgirl2 11