By Anonymous - 08/10/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, while I was waiting in line at McDonald's, I found out I can sneeze, pee, and poop all at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 884
You deserved it 7 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Gross, ew .. yuck !! In front of everyone else ?? While they were EATING?! O_o;

theEROX12 4

i rember back in 3rd grade i sneezed and farted rly LOAD!

This, my friends, is called a snoopee.

Atleast now u can say you're a triple threat lol

if it makes you feel better... I favorited this one. :) good luck with life.

yenidewi 11

so u r waiting at a toilet, arent u ? lol

xxJonaKillsxx 8
dloyfbc 0

Ehh it was only Mcdonalds, chances are they have seen worse

JBieberPixie 3

dont u know thats what havin to much mcdonalds does to u