By Anonymous - 08/10/2011 16:00 - United States

Today, while I was waiting in line at McDonald's, I found out I can sneeze, pee, and poop all at the same time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 884
You deserved it 7 980

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HurleyCarlton 0

You shouldn't hold your sneezes. It cause "pressure" and you're obviously to weak to handle it.

good thing you didn't puke too... it would certainly have created a vacuum in your stomach and there is a possibility you would have imploded, dragging humanity with you. jus' sayin.

maui3 0

Amazing what the human body is capable of ya?

Lolwut? How did this happen? That isa serious skill you've got there

Now maybe if you would've also farted, coughed, and burped you would've exploded.

On the bright side, now we know you won't take long at crapping like other people. :)