By who_could_it_be - 06/08/2009 13:35 - Canada

Today, while I was walking downtown a homeless person asked me for a dollar. I thought it would be funny to wave the dollar in his face and taunt him. I guess he thought it would be funny to stab me in the leg with a pencil. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 560
You deserved it 570 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are a pompous bastard. You deserved a knife, not a pencil.


bestofnothing 0

op i hope one day you will decide to read over these comments and you'll read mine. I ******* HATE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!! do you expect us to give you symapthy or something? you are also extreamly lucky it was just a pencil, if you ask me you deserve a knife and you're leg get cut off, then get fired from you're job and end up right next to that homeless guy.

**** u. some ppl r unfortunate and u have to make fun of them... jerk

I think you are a damn ****** and you will burn, along with all your money, in hell

580 has a great point....cept the homeless guy you taunted like an asshole, would probably actually be kind enough to split his half a sandwhich with you if he had the means....******* jerk

wow ur a ****** retard and I mean that from the heart. I hope u got infected from that pencil wound

Wow way to be a douchebag. I hope you die of lead poisoning. And to everyone saying you can't wave a coin, you're a bunch of ******* idiots. Its simple - hold the coin in your hand, and wave it. Duh.