By Mitch - 19/07/2012 17:36 - Puerto Rico - Bayamon
Same thing different taste
By wetqueefa - 03/02/2013 09:58 - United States - Union City
Whiter shade of pale
By pinecones - 02/02/2015 14:25 - United Kingdom
Gene Cusano
By dramateach11 - 03/04/2009 00:37 - United States
By Obsessed - 30/01/2010 20:54 - United States
Safe space
By Anonymous - 13/03/2010 01:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/02/2016 11:28 - United States - Lansing
By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 14:09 - Australia
Alexa, play "Don't Go" by Yazoo
By nexus - 22/09/2021 04:00 - Papua New Guinea
By fuck off, for real - 03/04/2016 13:26 - United States - Ft Mitchell
By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 14:49 - United States
Top comments
Wow, what a catch. Lol.
It could be worse, like my ex cried at the sight of pickles...
Sometimes you just get really into a serie and you can't help it but to feel a personal connection to the characters...:/
68, Yes but you should also have the common sense to separate reality from fiction. Stable people don't go visiting their boyfriends at work to seek support because a fictional character died. If you want to get upset over it, go ahead, but don't go dragging other people out of their jobs just to console you over it. I'd politely tell you to go home and keep my eyes open for other signs of emotional instability.
Well i agree With that she seems a bit unstable and she Did overreact, but i completely understand why she was so sad.... She probably just went to her boyfriend to get it off her chest and he is her boyfriend, he is suppose to help her feel better, what ever the reason.
RUNNNNNN before its too late!!
Why? If she was really interested in it, then she would be obviously sad. Btw F her life, OP. for having a boyfriend who instead of wanting to comfort her, writes it on FML. You don't deserve her.
2- Failed first comment.
thats true 30. I don't know why everyone is siding with OP. I mean sure this is a bit ridiculous, but OP owes it to his girlfriend to be a little more comforting. People get upset about silly things, and I'm sure OP has cried about something even more trivial throughout his life.
33- yeah, exactly. I guess this is one of the many reasons relationships don't work out as well as other generations did..
Before I said fail first comment because it was 2's first commentZ
Why couldn't she wait til he was off work? Things like that get ppl fired. She seems like an idiot OP. I don't see how this is at all his fault. Besides who's to say he didn't comfort her. My bf would have told me to cut the crap, and it'd help me realize how silly I was being. Also, I don't do that
I know women can be an emotional mess, even the most head strong. But this is far too dependent. It'd be one thing to call you when you're not busy or even to bug you while with friends. But to drag you out of work because she can't understand the priority of that over a sad tv show has no excuse that doesn't involve therapy at some level.
#26 every single one of your comments on this thread have been fails... Well you are only 13 so you have absolutely no idea what the real world is yet
64- you would have no clue. So stop hatin please.
Yeah lonkite101 your comments seem to have no rational basis at all. 26 is right. I'm sorry but there is no possible way that you, a 13 year old, has the life experience to back up comments like your generation comment. Just stop while you're ahead please. As evidenced by the bazillion thumbs down you've gotten, that's a sign to shut up.
It's a fuking tv show why would someone get sad about something that is not real
You're telling me that you have NEVER cried at a movie or tv death?
I cried when Jirayia died on Naruto.
To tell you the truth, I can't remember ever crying over a movie or tv show. I've felt a lot of emotion and I've been close a few times, but have never cried.
Not even for Marley and Me?!?!?! D':
I didn't cry at the end of Marley and Me. I bawled. Then I went bed, woke up, and when I walked over to my TV and saw the disc case for the movie I started sobbing again. Let it all out OP's girlfriend!
Many cried over J.T.'s stab to the death on Degrassi.
I cried so hard when Sam (the dog) died in "I Am Legend"
Same here bro, same here
Awww haha the only time I reallly cried when a fictional character died was when Prim died in Mockingjay :/
I won't watch that movie ever again because the dog dieing was too sad.
The Tenth Doctor's death and regeneration on "Doctor Who" was one of the saddest things I've seen on a TV show.
I cry every time when Mufasa dies in The Lion King :(
The Lion King
Marley and Me made my sister, my brother, and me cry all on separate occasions. Our dog now is almost 9 and is starting to climb up the stairs really slowly; not to mention that he fell down them once and got a seizure. It will be one of the saddest days in my house when our dog passes </3 I also cried in Revenge of the Sith when Obi-Won left Anakin in the lava :( THEY WERE LIKE BROTHERS.
Obi Wan was like "Not sure if to save him cause he was my apprentice, or let him die because he murdered everyone i know and almost me....."
Cried at the last episode of battle star galactica. Best show ever made :')
I cried when ash turned to stone and pikachu was trying to wake him up with his thunder shock in the first Pokemon movie
I can't cry, for I am a ginger and have no soul.
I cried when Michael died in prison break :( RIP
C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER As #10 said, she should have found a better way to deal with it then bug her bf at work. P.S. I see nothing wrong with crying because something really, really sad happened in a tv show or movie.
When the iron giant flies into the bomb at the end of the movie and says "superman", I cry. Every time. I you don't understand this reference, watch the movie. It's a good one.
GAAAH!! Spoiler alert!
I cried watching the Spongebob Squarepants Movie when spongebob and patrick are dying, singing and crying :(
I've cried at the end of a few movies can't say I have for a tv show but regardless that's slightly ridiculous. Wait til he gets off of work or I don't know be a big girl and suck it up? After all it IS just a tv show. Just saying...
She's lying to you, so find out what she really wanted. This one sounds promising, no sarcasm intended.
Quite the idiot you've got there
I cried at tv/movie deaths more easily after a family member of mine died. But I never would have gone to a boyfiend's workplace over it.
Nothing wrong with crying at a film , but to travel to someone's job for a shoulder to cry on is way too extreme :)
I agree, I think that would definitely be a deal breaker. Going to someone's job? Seriously that's a little extreme and clingy.
Not gonna lie; I cried when Hedwig died.
Or when goerge died!! Actually not really..
It's a shame that none of you can distinguish fantasy from reality
37- how? It's just when people get mentally attached to characters- real or not real- they care for them.
Too bad it was Fred, #32...
71- oh ! Your right, I haven't read the books for a while..
Really, #37? We "can't distinguish fantasy from reality"? Haha. Um, actually it's called enjoying something so much that you can't help but get emotional over it. As you can see from my username I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I'm also an emotional train wreck of a teenage girl when I reread the books or re-watch the movies. (The same goes for other books, like LOTR). Just because we enjoy something doesn't mean we can't separate fiction from reality.
Or when Walter White is going to die in Season 6 :[
I cried so hard in the last HP movie. Hardest i've cried during a movie.
I cried when Frodo left Middle Earth...
Am I the only one that feels like they kind of rushed his death in the movie? I barely had time to cry! They should of made it longer!
Goddamit #109
Man, when ash tried to ditch pikachu in that one episode, I cried like a baby. I feel you gf
What a keeper
shes just trying to cop a feel
Time to find someone a little more sane.

You're telling me that you have NEVER cried at a movie or tv death?
Not gonna lie; I cried when Hedwig died.