By GymBattle - 31/10/2013 23:18 - United States

Today, while I was working out, I was listening to music with my earbuds in. The Pokémon theme started playing and I begun singing along. It wasn't too long after that I remembered I was in a crowded gym on a military base. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 371
You deserved it 12 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone was probably singing along in there heads, no worrys OP.


I think you just became the coolest person at that military base, my friend.

I bet at least half of them are closet Pokemon fans. Not to mention that song is the coolest!

Glad to see our soldiers have their priorities in order.

Not the worst I have heard in a gym, especially on bases! Don't feel bad Op I once heard someone singing along to the Dungeons and Dragons theme song!

I would have totally joined you in that haha made my day!!

If the Gunny was there this may be the next song you march to.

That songs takes over your body and you can't help but to sing along