By ThoroughlyCreepedOut - 07/03/2010 00:22 - United States

Today, while in a public restroom, a man entered the stall next to me and began vigorously wanking. He finished quickly, but as he was leaving he peeped in at me through the crack in the stall door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 338
You deserved it 2 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh my god, as if the wanking wasn't creepy enough...

I thought that only happened in airports?!


Well, apparently, "he finished quickly". So maybe...not that long?

BrownSugar_fml 5

lmfao!!! that guy is awesome!!!

purplemnm 9


thoughtcrimeno1 0

all symptoms of wankers cramp, the most deadly of british diseases.

NOT WANKERS CRAMP!!! he'll be hospitalized for an entire season lol YGOTAS

thoughtcrimeno1 0

In Soviet Russia chicken chokes you!

You, Bickerdoodles, are the biggest dumb **** I have ever seen! ***** can take from 20 seconds to one hour. Personal experience.

not really that big a deal. your parents prolly felt the same when u were a teen.

nommnom_fml 0

op ur so rude >( u shoulda helped him out

amberlynnie 0

lol ye shulda gave him a "hand" (sorry for that lol)