By Anonymous - 07/03/2010 00:32 - United States

By Anonymous - 07/03/2010 00:32 - United States
By Animal - 24/02/2011 19:14 - Canada
By helpfulmom - 26/07/2009 18:39 - Canada
By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 06:30 - United States
By pumpkinlover89 - 27/03/2010 08:26 - United States
By anon - 16/03/2015 04:10 - Canada - Mississauga
By Anon - 04/08/2013 05:36 - Australia - Perth
By vistingherfamily - 25/11/2011 02:09 - United States
By leahrb - 24/02/2016 18:55 - United States - Wilmington
By juliette - 08/10/2012 05:39 - United States - Tucson
By Mary - 04/12/2011 22:47 - United States
turn the lights off!!!
what does op even mean?
turn the lights off, carry me home... o sry that comment reminded me of that song
agreed with 30. my mom only gives me anal beads.
lol, best part is she just gives em out, it's like, here take these, your going to do it eventually, may as well be now and in style
me too, and I would love to see my d*ck glow in the dark
#49 ftw
all the small things? one would be his penis
oh oh ask her if she has any with rocket ships on them
yeah 65 thats what i thit but it didnt always fit
yah 65 thats what i thot but it doesnt always work
that's not a fml looser
Coolest. Mom. Ever.
The first time I read this I read "she pulled some condoms put of the freezer and there are some colder ones up stairs" lmao I think I have dyslexia lol
that isnt an fnl. thats a ******* cool mom
#30 is right on
I wouldn't complain. It sounds like one cool mom.
op means original poster
yah totally! Best Mom Ever.
I love that song! blink 182 is sooooo coool!!!
that's nice. the lord shines threw the darkest nite.
Me too #95
@26- Blink-182! Best band everrr(:
She seems chill
umm it is an fml bcuz tht probly means his girlfriend is a ***** and has a disease that is a total fml
rock on 145
best... mother... EVER!!!
MILF much?!
wait your mom gives you Anal beads because...?
don't worry I read that too! :)
Those glowy ones dont even ******* work!!!! >:{} dont waste ur $$ on them!!!
omfg!!!!! I've used glow in the dark condoms before!!!!! sooooo much fun to watch go in and out! and to play wit, it's like a lite saber!!!!!!
Holy crap dude! I laughed so hard I couldn't breath!
lol, did you make light-saber sounds with it? WHHHOOOOOOM!
THX FOR THE ADVICE!! Ill use them when im legal :3
This comment made my decade :)
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayalso agree
nope ur wrong
yours was the stupidest yet then.
my boyfriends mom doesn't even let Is cuddle on the couch so be thankful that he has a cool mom.....I have to admit that it is a little weird but it could be alot worse...
it's because your big boobs were blocking the monitor's line of sight just admit it.
so wat hoo cares
smd op. that is all.
Smd? "Shake my dick"? "Shave mike's donkey"?
omfg!!!!! I've used glow in the dark condoms before!!!!! sooooo much fun to watch go in and out! and to play wit, it's like a lite saber!!!!!!
turn the lights off!!!