By thunderthighs644 - 23/11/2011 03:21

Today, while jogging, I heard an odd clapping sound over the sound of my iPod. I stopped running, and the sound stopped. This continued for an hour before I realized the slapping sound was my thighs slapping together violently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 346
You deserved it 11 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

2 choices! 1)Keep jogging 2) turn the music up!

You're jogging those thunder thighs off though, so it's okay OP!


wobeert 7

#101- Lol your thighs are cheering you on! step clap step clap step clap clap clap.

Keep it up! Way to go! =). OP best FML post all week!

bubo_fml 10

If your gonna be a slapper, be prepared to get the clapper!

Baytheshark 14

Ohmygosh... That just made my day...

bubo_fml 10

Another thought...Perhaps you can lubricate the area of impact? Vaselene or KY jelly seems to be a popular choice. Try to avoid using volatile/combustible substances because the friction could spark & ignite your privates...I hope this helps...

I think I'll nickname your knees: THOR GOD OF THUNDER!

G0v3nat0r 7

think of it as motivation, like somebody is clapping for you soo turn up the music and get back to burning that FAT!