By Anonymous - 17/11/2013 05:33

Today, while on a family Disney World vacation, I saw a kid shitting on a public bathroom floor. It was my kid. He's 10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 819
You deserved it 12 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's disgusting and horrible for the other Disney goers. He should know how to use a toilet by now; make him clean it.

ZomBgal 12

I have to wonder if he was being mean about it. Were the stalls all full and Junior couldn't hold it any longer. Or was he just being a lil' shit?


YDI. Instead of writing a FML, you should teach your son how to use a toilet.

Sweetpea22 14

I am guessing you're one of the people who shouldn't reproduce.

Time to let him know why what he did is bad? and what he should do next time even if is in hurry... and punishment (Like grounding for a dat) and if he did it again it will go to a week...

Haha! that's pretty funny. OP I hope your kid turns out alright, give or take 10 years or so. Still if not, careful now 'cause he might turn out to become one of those shit smearin' Democrats in the future.

Why do I get the feeling you try to relate all of your comments back to politics?

Right #28, cuz only a Dem would crap on the floor. Gotcha.

Steve95401 49

Walt Disney would be spinning in his cryogenic chamber if he had seen that happen.

highly doubt he would spin. he is dead, frozen to around -273° C, and nothing moves in those conditions

perdix 29

Should have invested in the Speedpass option! It works in the toilets, too, y'know.