By Anonymous - 08/02/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, while on my way to the break room, it seemed as if everyone was staring at me and giving me odd looks. I asked my friend, "Did I get prettier overnight or something?" She answered, "No, your shirt is just see-through." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 552
You deserved it 30 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it for not CHECKING YOUR OUTFIT BEFORE YOU LEFT. And to assume you got prettier? If that wasn't a joke you deserve more than what you got.


Hahaha!!! That's funny! And you went through work like that, lol. That's really an FML!

Haha! You went all day like that and didn't even notice, roflmao. that sucs.

YDI. See-through tops are always light and airy. They have to be, for obvious reasons. Even if the 'lighting' made the top seem opaque, sorry. Light and airy top = revealing outlines and exposing protrusions. It's meant to be porous and/or revealing, even when opaque. To wear this type of garment to work and being oblivious to the nature of it... fail. When I intend on wearing slacks, I don't pick something that seems 'pant-ish.' Hard to pick a top for work, that 'seems not see-through' when, surprise surprise, it turns out to be completely see-through. Fail.

Send me a pic of you wearing the shirt! I'll send you one in return ;-) [email protected]

yusaku02 20
Noob911XD 0

to #s 22 and 41. for the win!!! lmao OP i love the new meaning hahaha ;p now i know what great gifts to give for X-mas lol

NO!!!! ur all idiots. it means ORIGINAL PRANKSTER!!!